Quote of the day–Xenia Huffman-Scott Posted on September 29, 2008 by Joe Walking to bible study while listening to Disney music. I’m so badass. Xenia Huffman-ScottVia Twitter[That’s my girl.–Joe] Share this:ShareTumblrPinterestFacebookTwitterRedditPrintEmailWhatsAppLike this:Like Loading... Related Share
Because of the way you have with words. I thought it was funny. As I’m sure you did too because you posted it on Twitter. Loading...
I’m not sure how this is quote worthy.
Because of the way you have with words. I thought it was funny. As I’m sure you did too because you posted it on Twitter.
Why is Xenia going to bible study?
You’ll have to ask her. I assure you it wasn’t my idea.
Ha ha ha. That’s one scary daughter you got there!