I”ve been saying they think of us as “gun n***ers”. More evidence via Ry at the Seattle Times from Times deputy business editor Rami Grunbaum:
Pawn X-Change, which expects revenues of $38 million this year, seeks to separate itself from the stereotype of the dingy and disreputable pawnshop. Power tools, guitars, TV and electronics — but no firearms — are carefully arrayed around a well-lit store staffed by cordial employees wearing company shirts.
What if the article, making the point about avoiding the dingy and disreputable sterotypes, said none of the pawnshop employees were Jews? Think about that Mr. Grunbaum.
Treat them as the bigots they are.
I’d be more interested in people getting away from dingy and disreputable journalism.
I might also point out that another up and coming pawn chain is American Pawn, and that they do trade in firearms. I also believe, though I’d have to check my maps, that there are more American Pawn stores in relative proximity to the Times’ locale, but that they drove the extra distance to interview the other chain.