When sending children to a friend’s home for a playdate, ask the parent or guardian if there is a handgun in the home. Do not send your child to a home where a handgun is present.
Cease Fire, Inc.
P.O. Box 33424
Washington, D.C. 20033-0424
From: http://www.ceasefire.org/html/hfp2risk.html (as of November 11, 1998)
Interesting social conditioning. I wonder if they’d feel frisky about giving either of the following recommendations?
“Do not send your child to a home where a Negro is present.”
“Do not send your child to a home where a Jew is present.”
“Do not send your child to a home where a homosexual is present.”
Yeah. I know. Bigots. And as near as I can tell this organization no longer exits. I did find this document on the web that they produced: http://www.psr.org/documents/psr_doc_0/program_2/Risk_Guns_In_the_Home_ads.pdf