The goal of CSGV is the orderly elimination of the private sale of handguns and assault weapons in the United States. CSGV seeks to ban handguns and assault weapons from importation, manufacture, sale and transfer by the general American public, with reasonable exceptions made for police, military, security personnel, gun clubs where guns are secured on club premises, gun dealers trading in antique and collectable firearms kept and sold in inoperable condition. Hunting weapons, such as shotguns and rifles would be unaffected by these bans, because they do not pose a large threat to the American public the way handguns and assault weapons do.
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV)
1000 16th Street, N.W. Suite 603
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 530-0340
From: (as of 1/6/99–dead as of 1/4/2004)