News you can use

From Neuroscience News:

Research led by Drs. Yuhai Zhao and Walter J Lukiw at the LSU Health New Orleans Neuroscience Center and the Departments of Cell Biology and Anatomy, Neurology and Ophthalmology, reports for the first time a pathway that begins in the gut and ends with a potent pro-inflammatory toxin in brain cells contributing to the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). They also report a simple way to prevent it.

The highly potent neurotoxin BF-LPS is a natural by-product of GI-tract-based microbial metabolism. Bacteroides fragilis abundance in the microbiome, which is the source of the neurotoxin BF-LPS, can be regulated by dietary fiber intake.

“Put another way, dietary-based approaches to balance the microorganisms in the microbiome may be an attractive means to modify the abundance, speciation, and complexity of enterotoxigenic forms of AD-relevant microbes and their potential for the pathological discharge of highly neurotoxic microbial-derived secretions that include BF-LPS and other forms of LPS,” Lukiw explains.

The researchers conclude that an improved understanding of the interaction between the GI tract-Central Nervous System axis and the GI-tract microbiome and Alzheimer’s disease has considerable potential to lead to new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in the clinical management of Alzheimer’s disease and other lethal, progressive, and age-related neurodegenerative disorders.

It has been estimated that Americans eat 10–15 grams of fiber a day on average. The USDA recommends that women up to age 50 consume 25 grams a day and men 38 grams. Over age 50, women and men should consume 21 and 30 grams daily, respectively.

Eat your lentils, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), and shredded wheat*. One half cup of lentils contains 7.8 grams of fiber. The same amount of Chickpeas contain 6.3 grams of fiber. One cup of shredded wheat contains 6.2 grams of fiber. Other sources of dietary fiber may be substituted.

* We grow lentils, chickpeas, and wheat on the farm.


6 thoughts on “News you can use

  1. Once again, research shows that taking care of the basic chemical/mechanical body with proper nutrition can address many of today’s maladies. Vitamins and healthy whole foods for the win!

    Modern industrial food products are not healthy. Just shop the outside of the supermarket, and grow your own. Any buy a 50lb sack of lentils at the next boomershoot if you haven’t already.

  2. Hmm, their solution is loaded with carbs. One alternative theory is that AD is diabetes in the brain which can be triggered by eating too many carbs over a lifetime. And over 50% of our population is pre-diabetic with a fasting BG above 100 because of our carb heavy diet.

  3. Bear in mind that until Kellogg started designing breakfast cereal 100+ years ago, “whole wheat” was not eaten, and hadn’t been since early in wheat’s history. Apparently, people quickly realized that the “bran”? was not fit for human consumption, but was fed to some animals. Causes intestinal problems.

  4. All good. And it would be wonderful to cure such a horrible way to die.
    But at the same time, we have forgotten the importance of doing things.
    Manual labor always was a huge part of life back in the day.
    Eating that amounts of wheat, lentils, and chickpeas every day is not a big deal if you’re doing outdoor labor. And have twenty extra pounds of keto-receptors to burn the carbs.
    As we get older we need to have a more keto-friendly diet. More fruit, nuts, and meats.
    And right now I wished I had 300 lbs. each stored away!

    • Yes. I always thought that I was eating a healthy low fat whole grains and seeds diet. At one point I was even rinsing my cooked hamburger in hot water to get rid of more saturated fat. Then I was diagnosed with type II. From there I first went on the Atkins low carb diet and then switched to keto which I have been doing for the last seven years. It took almost a year for my BG to return to normal. Now my fasting BG is in the the low 80s and my A1C is around 5 or lower. Likewise my BMI is in the low 20s. Now I eat 60-80% saturated fat, real protein, and a few vegetables and fruits.

      I now consider the seed oils, unsaturated fat, and carbs toxic. It is the combination of that fat along with excess carbs that is responsible for the obesity epidemic, but you will not hear that from any nutritionist, most doctors, and especially the ADA. If I had followed the ADA’s advice I would likely be dead by now as is my brother.

      • Good on you, Chet! As has been pointed out several times. There was never a way in our past we could consume that much vegetable oils. You just can’t eat that many vegetables. And as someone pointed out also. That’s why cows have four stomachs.
        That being said. A pot of lentils, with onions, carrots, celery, and a little potato. With some of the wife’s homemade wheat bread is a perfect rib-sticker on a cold winter’s day!
        As granny use to say, all things in moderation. (As she brought out one of her infamous chocolate pies!)

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