Helping to Move the Window

Via Untitled @Voluptolux1984:

It is nice to have others working to move the Overton Window in the same direction. I’ve been working on this for a long time. Someday I hope to achieve critical mass and some real action. We need to end this gun owner nightmare.

I hope then enjoy their trials.


4 thoughts on “Helping to Move the Window

  1. And that’s only one of the areas in which the CO Dems are way off in lefty-loony land.

    Related: The DNC has elected David Hogg as their Vice-Chairman.

    • Related; The DNC has elected David Hogg as their Vice-Chairman.
      HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hogg’s at the DNC. The guy’s a hyper-active snot-nosed liar. Who’s only claim to fame is not being anywhere near a school shooting. But throws himself in the media mix anyway, like a pig to trough. And actually named Hogg. Perfect.
      The MEME’s are going to be epic!
      I’m old, but I can hardly wait to piss myself laughing.

  2. And as for conspiracies, they trying to say no two government officials ever talked about taking our guns away, or infringing the 2A?
    Guantonamo bay ain’t big enough.
    Think maybe Putin will lease us a piece of Siberia?
    Oh, I forgot. We have Greenland now. Or Trumpastan if you will.

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