Washington State May Get Even Worse on Guns

Via an email from Rolf:

The video appears to be entirely speculative. But see also this Gun group wants new taxes and permits for WA firearm sales • Washington State Standard:

Washington’s leading gun control group wants state lawmakers to make it tougher and more expensive to buy a firearm.

The Alliance for Gun Responsibility said Monday it will renew efforts to begin requiring state permits for gun buyers and will urge lawmakers to impose a new excise tax on sales of ammunition and firearms.

The group’s agenda for the 2025 legislative session also includes adding parks and public buildings to places where open carry of firearms is restricted, banning bulk purchases of firearms and ammunition, and improving oversight of gun dealers. 

I wonder what the definition of bulk purchases of ammunition will be. Will a single brick of .22LR ammo (500 rounds) be illegal? My guess is yes.

Even with just the tax increase, if this happens, I expect to make significant changes in my behavior. I will move nearly all my gun activities to my underground bunker in Idaho. I will also be increasing my donations to SAF and FPC. This crap has to be stopped.


3 thoughts on “Washington State May Get Even Worse on Guns

  1. The bigger threat is the massive expansion of gun free zones and the elimination of state preemption..

  2. On one hand, yes, it’s entirely speculative.

    On the other hand, you have a state legislature under Democrat control, gun control groups making moves and applying pressure, recent high-profile shootings for them to leverage, and — best of all, for them — an excise tax that Democrats by-and-large don’t have to pay.

    Past behavior being the best predictor of future behavior, perhaps it’s not entirely speculative after all….

  3. Once again, give a politician an inch passed “shall not be infringed”, and they think they’re a ruler.
    Our whole government edifice has been built on a host faulty not-laws and crap decisions that could not pass legal muster anywhere outside the communist court system.
    Or fully communized legislative session.
    We must compel ourselves to remember the law is on our side. And the only thing they have is tyrannical enforcement of insanity.
    The author might be speculating. But with communists?
    Passed performance truly is indicative of future actions.
    Communism is a crime against humanity. They are the criminals.
    And communist only stop being criminals one way.
    Plan accordingly.

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