Gun clubs are becoming the new bingo halls for seniors. They’re places to meet friends, learn new skills, and swap stories. Who knew that gun oil could be the new smell of friendship? These clubs often organize social events beyond shooting, creating tight-knit communities for older adults.
It is a little over the top, but that appeals to my inclination to rub the noses of anti-gun people in a different view of things.
Next up: Hoppe’s #9 as an aphrodisiac.
Always has been. That’s how you know you’re married to the right girl.
Blue jeans and Hoppes #9.
The stuff is like redneck pheromones.
I can remember that in 1999, the anti-2A people were saying that America’s “love affair” with guns was over, and that within a decade, civilians would be banned from owning guns. In fact, that was the year that the Clinton administration tried to enact gun control via lawfare and ran straight into the buzzsaw of the Smith and Wesson boycott. The Second Amendment has been gaining ground ever since.