I just tried to make a comment to a MSNBC video on SCOTUS reviewing bump stock ban.
The comment was:
This is deliberate deception on your part. This case is not about whether bump stocks can be legally banned. It is whether the ATF can change the law to ban them. If the legislators would change the law to explicitly ban them and the president signed it into law, then the case would immediately fold.
So, why are you deliberately deceiving your viewers? Is it because you want the executive branch of government to have the power to create new law without due deliberation and approval in the legislature? It appears you are deliberately trying to enable a dictatorship.
Pressing the submit button resulted in:
This comment doesn’t meet the community guidelines. Please try another one.
So I did try another one:
This case is not about whether bump stocks can be legally banned. It is whether the ATF can change the law to ban them. If the legislators would change the law to explicitly ban them and the president signed it into law, then the case would immediately fold.
So, why are you deliberately deceiving your viewers? Is it because you want the executive branch of government to have the power to create new law without due deliberation and approval in the legislature?
I received the same result. The comment “doesn’t meet community guidelines.”
My conclusion is that they realize dictatorships are difficult to create when free speech is allowed and they are taking appropriate action to suppress free speech.
This is yet another example of the Legacy Media Liars.
Prepare and respond appropriately.
I was trying to post this:
This case has very little to do with the supposed dangers of these stocks. At the core of the case is whether an executive branch agency, headed by appointees, not electees, has the authority to invent rules where there is no legislative basis. Why do you hate democracy?
Then I saw that comments to the video have been turned off entirely. I guess they weren’t enjoying the incoming fire.
I would have thought you’d know this, “Community Guidelines” is a term, from the original Russian, meaning “Shut up Kulak!”. For details consult your Marxist/English-English/Marxist pocket dictionary, I hope this helps.
To funny W.
“Shut up Kulak”, and you might add my personal favorite to it, “quit resisting!”.
You can’t use logic to argue someone out of a position they didn’t use logic to get to.
Unfortunately, that seems to be a national pastime for our side.
And will be right up until the war starts. Hey, at least no one can say we didn’t try to talk them out of it.
Unless they win.
Newspapers could pick and choose which letters to the editor to publish, too, back when it was all via dead tree and boy on a bike.
Same principle, same practice, just more.obvious now. (The dead-tree papers would occasionally let a strongly worded disagreement through to help maintain the perception of balance. That’s gone by the wayside for the most part now.)
Joe, I once had a friend end up in an insane asylum. He said if you weren’t crazy going in. You would be by the time you got out.
Should we be worried? You slumming around the MSM and all. Those are not healthy people buddy.
We know you can take care of yourself.
And a little reading to get perspective is a good thing. But trying logic on them? Bold move, but one destined to fail.
Much like reading Shakespeare to your granddaughter’s pet frog.
They ain’t never gonna get it.
And folks just end up having questions about you.