Jason used to enthusiastically participate, including volunteering, in Boomershoot every year. He, his wife, and kids didn’t attend for several years but made it to Boomershoot 2021. At the time I knew he had video cameras set up from various angles but forgot about it until he sent me a message:
I finally got around to editing my fireball video. Happy new year!
It’s the best Boomershoot fireball video I have ever seen:
Sign up for Boomershoot 2022 and experience the next fireball yourself. It’s an experience you will never forget.
Even the fireball gives it ‘two thumbs up!” (@1:30-40)
Sure can see the fuel-air thing going on. Great video!
THAT was Effin’ epic! And using “Scotland The Brave” as the soundtrack… PERFECT!
I like how long and how high it was going in slo-mo. You lose that perspective in real time. Plus at the very end was the big greasy black donut of smoke.
That was very well edited! Gets me fired up for this year. Four months to go!
I was expecting the 1812 Overture, but this works too.