On June 28th a nearby weather station posted a record shattering 114.6F.
Barb and I saw this on our morning walk on July 2nd:
Close up:
Most people in the Seattle area didn’t have A/C in their homes. Even multi-million dollar homes.
That is changing.
Well, at least Seattle probably has the electricity capacity to power them. Kali, not so much.
Funny that. Was reading an corp. of engineers report that the reservoir system was designed to handle the water needs of Cali. for up to three years. Why are they out already? Yet natural lakes like Clearlake, and Tahoe are doing just fine.
A couple years ago. when they drained the Colorado river system claiming drought. I called a friend to enquire about the snow pack on the Grand Mesa and surrounding mountains. ( The main feed of the Colorado river. Not much else contributes to it.) It was above normal that year.)
California runs out of power because it wants to. Just like burning the forests. It’s all a bullshit game with a power and profit motive at the end.
Part of the reason is that they send a substantial fraction straight down the river to the sea, supposedly for the benefit of fish.
They certainly don’t send any down the Colorado River for the benefit of the fishes in the Sea of Cortez.
Yep. The correct answer to this is “you made your bed, now lie in it.” But the other states are nice about it instead, which would be cool except that the CA state government turns right back around & kicks dirt in their faces.
One should note that the record high for years was Libya, at 137 F. It was taken away a couple years ago in Death Valley, Ca. By a degree or two.
Way down in the article wear most wouldn’t read. Was that the international standard for measuring temperature was changed. Go figure.
Not that the northwest isn’t getting scorched. (As Fairbanks AK. did early 1900’s. At over a 100 degrees.)
It’s what the brain trust will make of it. An who’s future will be stolen to pay for it?
Anyway, enjoy the heat, winters coming.
I’m thinking the solar minimum will mean less moister in the air. Hotter summers, dry cold winters?
I thought the record went back to Death Valley for reasons of proof and documentation.
Death Valley, like the Dead Sea, is below sea level, so the air is compressed, which increases the temperature. That also increases the evaporation. A lot of water flows into Death Valley, but doesn’t stay there because of that. In 2011 I was camping there and it rained one night, and while it fell on my tent, it did not make the ground wet.
As for the Solar Minimum, I thought the Maunder Minimum brought in “The Little Ice Age”, or at least correlated with it. I could be wrong, since it doesn’t make sense to me that scientists would correlate the origin of the Little Ice Age to sunspots before scientists knew sunspots. existed.
You can correlate to sunspots if you assume the cyclic behavior of sunspot counts extrapolates backwards from currently known patterns. I think that’s what was done.
I would be a lot more comfortable with warmist notions if they could explain to me why it was a degree or two warmer than today in the times of Leif Eriksson, and a degree or two warmer still in the days of Cicero. Not to mention the question of what causes ice ages, and why temperature swings far larger than what have been recorded in the current warm period (past 5000 years or so) occur during ice ages.
There’s a lot of neat information to be gleaned from the Greenland ice core temperature record data; the graphs you can plot from that (extending back 50k years or so) are wonderful for raising all sorts of annoying questions.
When I point out to people that the Vikings had cattle and crops on Greenland! during that warming period, they want to change the subject. Not to mention grapes growing in Eastern Canada! People are really stupid about “human caused global warming”. What a crock of crap.
ISTR that people have been recording sunspots for a couple millennia.
Yes, but the recognition of the cyclic variations goes back only to about 1750, and sufficiently systematic observation that you can see those variations, in a more fragmented form, back to around 1600. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_cycle
I have to read what they say about “reconstructing” the cycle back 11k years.