If I were formally teaching self defense with firearms I would consider getting this target for my students:
It teaches the importance of getting off the line of attack as well as the importance of when to deploy your firearm. It could be a part of any number of pretty cool USPSA stages too.
He’s right, that *is* the greatest target ever. Now if we can just talk Marty into getting one (or several) for FAS….
We use one at our club and it works on the grass ranges. You might have to add some shims to level it. It is very well made.
Besides adding it to IDPA stages we usually shoot it four ways.
1) Arms at side, you draw when you see the target move.
2) Arms at side, you draw at the buzzer but must remain stationary.
3) Arms at side, you draw at the buzzer and move off the line of attack.
4) Gun at low ready, engage the target at the buzzer.
1) About half the people do not get a shot off.
2) Most people get 1-2 shots off with a center mass hit.
3) 90% get 2-4 shots off with several center mass hits.
4) It ends up with 100% getting shots off 5-7 good hits.
Take away: It’s best to have the gun in your hand at the start of a fight.
Reminder that the people who shoot it compete in IDPA, USPSA or 3 gun matches.
I would like to get a bunch of new CCW holders to try it and see what happens.