League of Women Voters Annual Forum on Ballot Measures (#I1639)

Tonight, October 4th, the Seattle/King-County League of Women Voters is having a debate on Washington State ballot initiatives. This will include I-1639. It will be at The Collective (I’m not kidding!). The following is via a Facebook friend who works for Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership:

There will be a ballot initiative Forum organized by the League of Women Voters on Thursday, 4 Oct. Please plan to attend; 1639 is on the agenda. See below for details.

Location: The Collective
Address: 400 Dexter Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109
Neighborhood: South Lake Union
Parking: There’s a pay garage and street parking
Walk into lobby, you may have to check in with security. Tell them you’re there for the League of Women Voters event and proceed to the elevator. Go to the second floor and check in with either Chelsea or myself. This is where our event will be taking place. There will also be signage directing you on where to go. If you get lost or confused give me a ring at (206) 697-2698.

Before 6:00 PM, informal networking in the Collective’s bar HighTide (this will also be open after the event for similar use)
6:00 PM – 6:55 PM Tabling outside of forum room on second floor, please feel free to bring whatever literature, hand outs, etc. you’d like. The venue should have an area set up for you to do this.
7:00 PM Forum starts
940 Pro (Jack Sorenson) and Con (Mike Sloan) MIKE PLEASE CONFIRM
1631 Pro (Mo McBroom) and Con (Christian Gobel)
1634 Pro (Jim Desler) and Con (Jim Krieger)
1639 Pro (Stephen Paolini) and Con (Keely Hopkins) KEELY PLEASE CONFIRM
Seattle Preschool Promise Levy (LWV Education Committee)
9:00 PM Forum ends
9:00 – 10 PM HighTide is open for informal networking and discussion among speakers and participants

3 minute opening statements Pro
3 minute opening statements Con
15 minutes of questions (campaigns get 1 minute to answer questions, this should be like five questions per side with time to ask questions; we’ll make sure each side gets the same amount of questions)
2 minute closing statements Pro
2 minute closing statement Con

AV will be minimal, we’ll get you all mic’d up but there’s not going to be time for any visual presentations/slides. The current plan is to have chairs available for you to sit, and you can choose to either stand or sit while you talk. We want you to be as comfortable as possible.

Questions will be solicited from our members before the event and during the event from participants. If you need to arrive late/duck out early that is totally fine, but please let me know in case it impacts our schedule.

Our moderator will be either Dan Beakman or Jim Brunner from the Seattle Times. TVW has tentatively agreed to film and broadcast this for us.

Lastly, please feel free to broadcast this far and wide to your networks. We have a large space and want everyone to feel included and heard at this forum.

All the best,

Alyssa Weed
LWVSKC Second Vice President, Program Chair

My oldest daughter and I will be there. Please attend and show your support for stopping this terrible infringement upon our right to keep and bear arms.


One thought on “League of Women Voters Annual Forum on Ballot Measures (#I1639)

  1. “…terrible infringement…”

    Much more than an infringement, it contains multiple outright violations.

    To infringe on your property, someone need only step over your property line. Violating your property, on the other hand, is vastly more serious. In the case of the second amendment however, either one is a federal crime.

    Thus, if we “win” and no one goes to prison, we lose. They’ll just regroup and do it again.

    Is there any State law specifically against putting up an anti-constitutional ballot initiative? Well there are federal laws against conspiracy to infringe upon enumerated rights, and also against the deprivation of rights under color of law. Why have there been no arrests of leadership, no raids on conspiracy headquarters, no seizures of property, of bank accounts, etc? Hmm?

    We ARE talking about a criminal network, and it’s a network that operates, to some extent at least, openly in the light of day. It shouldn’t be terribly difficult to track down the primaries, arrest them, raid their offices, confiscate their records and thus track down and eliminate the rest of the conspiracy.

    Who will enforce the law?

    Until we get serious, they know, same as any street gang knows, nothing can stop them. No amount of protest and debate can stop them, when it’s been demonstrated to them 100% of the time that they walk free no matter what else happens. Thus they win even when they lose. THEY know this. Who else knows it?

    This criminal conspiracy is like a bank robber that operates in the open and never gets arrested for bank robbery. If the very, very worst that ever happens to the bank robber it that he fails to walk away with any money, of course he’ll just keep going until he gets some money. He can “fail” a hundred times in a row, for years and years, but that one big score will have made it all worthwhile.

    That’s what we’re up against until we decide to get serious. By this definition, which I assert is unassailable, there is not one serious pro second amendment, pro. Bill of Rights organization. One can ask why this might be, and soon we’ll get into the concept of paid opposition and Marx’s Dialectic Method. The deck has been stacked since well before we were born.

    Eventually of course, being that the law is not enforced and we’re programmed to debate with criminals rather than arrest and prosecute them (this is the Greek method, my friend Dan reminds me), this will certainly come to blows. A war. So it is that failing to prosecute is, effectively, the same as advocating mass violence farther down the road. “A job left undone grows larger”

    Look for a good prosecutor, for some real police, and for a judge willing to uphold his Oath, not for a debate hall.

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