175 grains at over 3,000 fps. Owww!
I’ve been using the Berger VLD (Very Low Drag) 7 mm bullets which have an amazing ballistic coefficient for the weight, and do very well in the 280 Remington A.K.A. 7mm Remington Express cartridge. I’m sure they’d do very well in the new Nosler cartridge also.
Which will have a barrel life of less than 1000 accurate rounds. Most F Class guys get less than 1200 rounds from there 7mm WSM variants before losing accuracy. The Nosler has half again as much powder to burn the throat with.
Some of the F Class guy pop 180 Bergers out at 3050 FPS or better from their WSMs. (I limit mine to 2950, but I’m not a Nationals level shooter, either).
That’s a likely issue, though a barrel-burner still has its purposes, as you have pointed out, if it shoots really well. The cost of a new barrel is probably rather less than the 1,000 rounds of match ammo, or whatever it takes to burn it out, if we want to look at it in economic terms. Some powders are less prone than others to errode barrel throats too, all else being equal, and so I have yet to learn exactly how the 28 Nosler will do in that regard.
And I certainly agree with that (obviously, since I have a 7mm WSM!) I’ve talked to quite a few guys about the Nosler in 6.5 and 7mm. Most of the experienced guys think that the 6.5 will have a barrel life of fewer than 800 rounds (some think it will only be competitely accurate for less than 600 rounds). The 7mm will be a little better. If you are thinking about it, I would suggest H1000 as a good starting point. The guys shooting 6.5 SAUM think that it significantly improves their barrel life, though adding another 30 grains of powder might make even it to fast. Alternatively, going to RE33 and a 30 inch barrel might be a good option, at least for competition use. I’m pretty sure hauling around a 30 inch barrel wouldn’t be much fun in the woods! Maybe a beanfield gun, though.
You do know its been done before, though, right? Its the same as a 7mm RUM, even has the same parent case, if I remember right, both are based on the 404 Jeffries.
Though most hunting rifles never see 600 rounds, so if its a hunting rifle, all the above is probably moot!
It’s not that bad. A .30-06 frequently shoots a 180gr slug at ~2750 fps.
175 @ 3000 = 3497 ft*lb
180 @ 2750 = 3022 ft*lb
Only a ~15 percent increase
Forget horsepower, which is adequate for most tasks either way. I’m looking at the difference in available BCs, and the flight times and trajectories. That’s where the 7 mms shine (and the 6.5s). To get the same trajectories out of a 30, you have to go to a heavier bullet, and that means recoil, or a heavier rifle to soak it up.
I haven’t been playing with the long range stuff lately, but if I were to start over with the equipment I’d go with a hot 6.5 or 7 mm, because I’m looking at a portable system that doesn’t punish the shooter with weight or recoil, and can deliver a meaningful paylod to the correct address over long distance. Horsepower is way down my list of priorities for that system, but it so happens that the dual requirements of BC and MV for trajectory require good horsepower. Less of it as you go down in diameter. So, in my way of looking at it, a 6.5 or 7 mm is “superior” to a 30.
I figure if I want to bust trucks and such, I should have a 50
30-06 will kill any North American animal dead as doornails. Power above that meets special needs use….Longer range (Deer and Elk out here sometimes require 400+ yard shots, maybe longer.) Or for extended range competition. My 7mm WSM has never failed to detonate a Boomer at the top of the hill when hit squarely, though my 6.5 Grendel has. I love the 6.5 and 7mm calibers, but the big cartridges certainly have drawbacks when you shoot them a lot, and it isn’t JUST the cost of the ammunition, which is mitigated by reloading. I’ve shot out a Grendel barrel, but it took more than 6000 rounds to do it. My 7mm WSM isn’t to 1000 on this barrel and needs to be replaced. Big difference in 30 grains of powder and 60+! But the BC of those long, heavy 7mm bullets is tough to beat with the recoil advantage of them. 30 calibers aren’t close until you get to 220 grain or heavier bullets, and then your in 300 Winmag territory, and they recoil a LOT more. Might as well step to .338 Lapua and be done with it!
!st season with homebuilt 26nosler. (savage 110 accutriger,26in Lothar walther barrell,1-8 twist. Average range accuracy 1in@100, Handloaded, nosler brass ($) pulled 140gr deepcurl from 6.5×55..3300 on prochrony 1st one @123 yrds dead right there massive hole. 2nd @341 yrds,dead right there. 3rd @415 is this a phazer?
I am saving the rest of the deep curls for Elk. I hear .they don’t make the 140 deepcurl (140 boatail) anymore. Why did Hornady quit making the 140 GMX, too bad. Noslers load data was 86 gr H869 I’m waiting to try it on a hog hunt next October in OK.
Oh I forgot, Mule Deer Western Nebraska Last one a 300+lb buck. 1st one a 200ld doe by my 10 year old daughter, first kill.