Apparently I’m now “a respected Idaho based shooter and author.”
The background story is that I and several other bloggers were asked by the folks at which of the three major calibers, 9mm, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP, was the best. I answered, via the blog post, and they just posted an article that incorporates some of my response.
I appreciate the kind words but I’m not sure I have all that much respect as a shooter compared to a lot of other people and I’m a “software author”, blogger, and occasional magazine article writer. I’m not really an “author” in the most common sense.
Still, I think they did a good job on their article even if they did give me more credit than I think I’m due.
One picture = how many words?
I first saw that when gun blogger Tam sent it to gun blogger Say Uncle.
What else need one know?
I think it should be a mandatory image for any caliber comparison article.
Shoot what you get hits with.