Quote of the day—Barb L. Posted on December 29, 2012 by Joe Dating you has somehow made me a dude magnet. Barb L.Via text message to me on December 27, 2012.[I’m not surprised. It’s that smile on her face all the time.—Joe] Share this:ShareTumblrPinterestFacebookTwitterRedditPrintEmailWhatsAppLike this:Like Loading... Related Share
Nope. Not gonna say it. Mmmm no. Although she was probably a “dude magnet” all along and is now merely seeing the world using different eyes. Such things happen, and for a number of different reasons. Loading...
Nope. Not gonna say it. Mmmm no.
Although she was probably a “dude magnet” all along and is now merely seeing the world using different eyes. Such things happen, and for a number of different reasons.