Potassium Chlorate is one of the ingredients in Boomerite. I’ve often fantasized about making it myself because it’s the most expensive component, it requires an ATF explosives license to purchase in the quantities I need, and my sole supplier is in New Jersey.
Here is how to make it in your garage/kitchen/basement:
I think I will continue to purchase it. We use about 350 pounds per year and scaling up the process above to meet our needs just doesn’t look worthwhile.
Wow. That’s astonishingly inefficient. A decent hack, I suppose, but unless you’re paying an absurd price for your chlorate, I can’t believe this would save you any money.
Hmm, you could do it with a heavy duty 50 gallon plastic trash can efficiently enough, though the issue would be heating the can relatively quickly without melting the plastic.
@Amiable Dorsai,
It has nothing to do with saving money and everything to do with avoiding an ATF explosives license as it’s required to purchase any significant quantity.