Hey! I know that guy!

Never mind the 1600+ yard (that is 0.91 miles) hit on a 12″ diameter plate, the guy in the video (you get to see him toward the end) is someone I know. He has been to Boomershoot several times and Barb and I went to high school with his Aunt Shirley. He also used to shoot a lot of IPSC at the same events I went to.

Oh, he is also a gunsmith. I suspect he made the video to show off some of his work as well as his talent.

Thanks to Boomershooter Michael who had the following to say about the video:

Spring is coming, and a not-so-young man’s thoughts turn to . . . Boomershoot. ๐Ÿ™‚

Well, close enough for now.


2 thoughts on “Hey! I know that guy!

  1. Nicely done… Especially the zoom out there at the end. Dang!

    You know, he probably ought to file a flight plan with the FAA next time he tries that! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    (Yea I know, Flight plans are not required for flight in Visual Meteorological conditions)

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