Tonight on Gun Nuts Radio will be a discussion about HS Precision and the “coveted Horiuchi endorsement“.
I was planning on being at the range at that time but I may delay my range session just to listen in and chat live.
I’ve been playing “catch up” with all the Gun Nut Radio shows. I listened to about eight hours of them on my Zune in the last few days. I have a few more hours to go before I’ve finished all of them but I”ve been impressed.
It’s interesting to see the development of the hosts over time. At the first things were a little “rough around the edges” but with Breda doing the research and Caleb being better prepared and more experienced it’s smoothed out a bunch. And even with the rough spots, except for a few times when they corrected themselves very quickly, I never caught any instances where they got their facts wrong.
I’m not disparaging Gun Nuts Radio – I’ve listened to pieces of it and it’s good, and steadily getting better – but I can read a LOT faster than they can speak. If they could produce printed transcripts it would help a lot. I can’t devote the listening time required.
I can read faster than I can listen too. But I have a five hour drive (one way) to and from Idaho twice a month as well as a 20 or 30 minute (one way) commute to work each day, plus time at the gym that I use for listening.
I have a lot of listening bandwidth available and not a lot of reading bandwidth.