All our objectives are predicated on the belief that the interests of public safety demand a reduction in the availability and attractiveness of guns of all kinds.
- Minimum age of 18 for the ownership, use and possession of all guns.
- Ban on the sale, manufacture and import of imitation guns and their possession in a public place.
- Certification of all deactivated weapons.
- Inclusion of airguns in certification system.
- One certification system for all legal weapons i.e. rifles, shotguns, airguns.
- Multi-shot rifles and shotguns to be banned.
- Practical or Combat shooting or any other shooting practice which involves the simulation of real life situations and/or the use of human shaped targets to be banned.
Abolition or radical reconstitution of the Firearms Consultative Committee.
We recognise the existence of a significant minority interest in shooting for sport, and our proposals are aimed at striking an appropriate balance between the sport-shooting interest and the overriding interest in public safety.
Gun Control Network
Our Objectives as of February 19, 2005