Regarding the issues I was having with a new gun and feeding Bill suggested the gun was simply breaking in rather than the different lubricants I was trying actually making a difference.
While at Boomershoot Mecca on Christmas day I shot it again after lubricating it with Interflon Fin Super. This was the lubricant I thought was causing me problems. It was cold, about 25F, and with two different types of ammo it functioned flawlessly.
I have to conclude that Bill’s suspicion was correct.
Pingback: Lubrication matters | The View From North Central Idaho
3 in 1, rem oil, and clp. i am partial to 3 in 1 oil. and rem oil. both are very fine, but, persistent in coverage.
john jay
Thanks for letting us know. I haven’t tried any new guns with Interflon, but new guns especially .22’s, have caused me many headaches regarding function, so I was really hoping it wasn’t the lubricant!