Nine days ago Barb and I were in Idaho and among other things we inspected the daffodils we transplanted nearly two years ago. Last year they were rather disappointing with only a little bit of foliage and almost no blooms. I was concerned they weren’t going to make it. But this year they are looking pretty good:
I don’t know if they will still be blooming for Boomershoot this year but I hope so.
It snowed most of the morning and on the north slopes and higher altitudes it stuck on the ground pretty good:
We unloaded the stakes at the Taj Mahal, then we went to Mecca where I puttered around with Wi-Fi, lights, and shelves while Barb swapped out some fluorescent bulbs for LED bulbs and folded a bunch of target boxes.
Barb also got the conference/dining room at the Orofino Best Western scheduled for Boomershoot 2016. The date will be announced at the Boomershoot 2015 dinner on May 2nd, just 17 days from now.
Everything is on track for great Boomershoot this year. There are still positions available if you would like join us for an event you will never forget.