Because I want to be able to carry while at Gun Blogger Rendezvous this September in Nevada I’m in the process of getting my Arizona carry permit. It’s tough to get a Nevada permit unless you are willing to spend some time down there but they recognize a few other permits. It used to be they recognized Utah which I used to have. No longer. But Arizona just made the list and Arizona is relatively easy to get a permit remotely. I got my fingerprints taken a few days ago but I couldn’t find any proof of training in my Seattle area bunker to send in with the application. I rummaged through the garage in Idaho this afternoon and found a few certificates. I scanned them and made copies to send to Arizona. Here are the ones I thought they would be the most interested in. Since they require 8 hours of training and I have proof of 53 hours (it’s actually far more than that, this is just what I could find) I presume this will get the job done.
I highly recommend all of these classes. I learned a lot from them.
I keep wondering why the rendevous is in a state that has such restrictive issues. Why give even one dollar to them? Arizona or Utah would be much better options, Phoenix is easy to get to, and for that matter, so is Salt Lake. Utah has those funky drinking laws, which might be an issue for some of the bloggers, but AZ doesn’t and is very gun friendly.
Phoenix has plenty of easily reached ranges, too.
They are equally hot that time of year, so that can’t be an issue, can it?
Welcome to Arizona and I too am celebrating Nevada’s recent reciprocity with the Arizona Permit.
I sincerely hope they accept your proof of training. The statute looks pretty broad.
Though I suspect you’d qualify easily under section (N) (7):
7. A valid current or expired concealed weapon, firearm or handgun permit or license that is issued by another state or a political subdivision of another state and that has a training or testing requirement for initial issuance.
@Bill, Mike has his reasons. There have been numerous people suggested alternatives but they have all been rejected. I forget the total story but IIRC one of the reasons is so non-shooter spouses can easily find something to do.
@Danno, Idaho doesn’t require training but the local sheriff who issues the permit can. As far as I know all sheriffs do but that may not be enough for AZ. My Washington permit did not require training. My Utah permit did. It has expired but I think I still have it and will send it in to help cover the issue. I think I can find my NRA Home Firearm Safety certificate too. I might be able to find my NRA instructor credentials which have expired as well. I’m going to send everything I can find…
Joe, you should have called (or e-mailed) me. IF you want a real, honest-to-goodness, Nevada permit, that’s one of the things I do. See you at the rendezvous? I live in Reno …
@Sennin, I plan to be at the Rendevzous. I’m probably going to take you up on the Nevada permit thing. I’ll send an email soon. Thanks.