My trip from Moscow Idaho back to my hardened underground bunker in Kirkland today took 75 minutes longer than usual. There were some very slick roads in eastern Washington. It got better and I was able to go normal speeds from Washtucna until Vantage when I-90 had a broken snow floor again. Here are pictures of just some of the incidents I witnessed:
At Dusty. Traffic was rerouted around the accident.
Close up of the Dusty incident.
I drove for the first time in snow yesterday too. Took a Toyota Corolla up into the mountains of Mt. Baker – about the most unsuitable car for the road trip as possible.
Roads were covered with slush and muck for the majority of I-5. Couldn’t believe they didn’t have the ploughs out, considering we couldn’t see any road markings. There were more than a fair share of cars that had been driven off the road and were stuck in ditches on the side of the road.
The other thing that got me was the number of cars that were driving dangerously. You could SEE that there was snow and muck on the road, but even so, people were still tailgating at distances of less than 10 ft and speeding beyond the speed limit when IMO it wasn’t even safe to do 10 below the speed limit. Maybe they had snow tires, who knows, but tailgating regardless isn’t a smart thing to do.
To think I used to complain about my snow-free commute, makes me feel like a wussy now. Lane-splitting ten miles of stop & go traffic in the rain was a piece of cake, now that I think about it.
Oops isn’t the best thing to say. Thankfully the people involved are fine, including the child. She was air lifted to sacred heart. More on the accidents that scattered the Palouse yesterday. (I heard about it across the scanner as it happened Joe, glad you made it back safe.)
As for stupid drivers, evidently 35 mph wasn’t fast enough for some big rigs Saturday night at the height of the storm. Two passed me on 195 driving to Colfax and back, they were doing at least 60. I had another taxi cab pass me in town here in Pullman. 30 in a 35 with compact snow and ice wasn’t good enough evidently. (Especially since I had just pulled two people out of ditches) Sunday I had a woman tailgate my truck and she was surprised when it all the sudden slowed down to stop for a red light. She went into the other lane to avoid the collision. I don’t mind driving in this weather except for all the other drivers who are impatient.
I’ve had my near death experience, I’ve learned my lesson, what pisses me off about people who do that crap is that they won’t just hurt themselves when they have an accident.