Last evening as I was leaving work I saw this. Sorry for the low picture quality. It was taken with my cell phone.
Today, all day, was the company meeting. In a lot of ways, especially when Steve Ballmer is on stage (or running through the crowd), it’s like a prep rally from high school. The following are my Twitter comments while watching the meeting. If you view them on the web they don’t have the proper time stamp because the cell phone connectivity (and my Internet connection on my Pocket PC) at Safeco Field was very intermittent (overloaded with all the geeks with mobile devices). Most of the Twitter updates had to be sent several times before they finally made it out.
At the company meeting. Live Mesh is awesome. Office 14 is gettting lots of applause too.
Watching cool demos of Live Search.
XBox has good stuff coming.
Just saw world premier of more MS ads. Will show up on TV tonight. Much better than the first one.
Windows 7 demo is cool!
Raiin Wison led us in making a new world record of simultaneous paper airplanes in the air–22K.
One of the best ways to predict the future is to invent the future.–Craig Mundie
The robotics demo was impresssive. Receptionist assistant will go to beta in a few months.
Fireworks for Steve Baller’s entrance.
60B in sales. 22B in gross income. No other company (if they aren’t an oil company) can say that.
Apple: GAME ON!
Google has never been challenged. I want see what happens when they are.–Steve B.
Yeah but when an oil company makes that much money, their profit margin is only 8%, whereas Microsoft’s is around 20.
And they still can’t pay a decent f***ing dividend.
One of these days, I might contribute to that profit margin by finding out about all the nifty things 360s have be having come to them for the past few years… As it is now, I just need to find my gorramed copy of Office… 2000? 🙂
And if I remember correctly, you guys made 18.7 tons of trash in one day (no word yet on the recycle tonnage). The usual occupants haven’t done that in years.
They gave us box lunches and specifically told us to leave the trash at our seats.
Of course there were the 22,000 paper airplanes too.
So, Mundie is quoting Alan Kay. Nothing wrong with that. Just like to see credit where due.
Mundie may have actually done that. I’m not sure. I certainly could have missed that.