As I was driving through four hours through the freezing rain to work today (they sent everyone home by the time I got there) I got a call from a Engineering Project Handler, Field Report Department at UL. He wanted us to send him the heater than had the burned plug. Since I was rather busy at the time I asked him to send me an email about it. He did. The important part of the letter is below:
Hello Mr. Huffman,
I spoke with you on the phone regarding the investigation I am conducting on the subject product. It would be very helpful for UL to examine the faulty product so that we can try and determine the cause of failure. Please sent the sample to my attention at the below address.
He also asked we send a copy of the postage receipt so he can reimburse us. And he said once the investigation is complete he will provide as much detail about the results of the investigation as he can.