Ry, Barb, and Joe go play in the dirt

Last Saturday, the 25th, we went to the Boomershoot range to make some improvements before it got too wet.  It had been raining off and on for weeks and I was concerned I wasn’t going to get the things done that I wanted too.

Ry took his camera and took lots of pictures.  And he wrote about it in his blog and put up his favorite pictures of the days events.  It was a rare treat for Barb to go out there when I was working on the Boomershoot.  She spent a fair amount of time on the cat with me.

Which was very nice.  She didn’t pay much attention to the work I was doing however and that make it difficult for me to maintain concentration at times too.

We had lunch at my parents place and then dinner in Kendrick.  Except for the fire that almost got a tree it was a very pleasant and productive day.
