I just got a call from John Ross

Yes, the John Ross.  I had sent him an invitation to Boomershoot 2005.  In the body of the message I said 2004 although the subject line said 2005.  He was concerned about his lack of a time travel machine and after I straightend out my error we talked for about 15 minutes.  He’s not certain he can make it, a long ways to travel, etc.  But he did sound very interested.  Mostly he asked a bunch of questions about the mix we use and how dangerous it was etc.  He told me stories of his shooting at dynamite (among other things — about 1/6 of a stick in tennis balls).  Anyway, we’ll see if he can make it.  It would be rather cool to have him out and to have him participate. 

I asked about the ETA of his next book. He said “Sometime in 2005.  Not early 2005, but sometime in 2005.”


2 thoughts on “I just got a call from John Ross

  1. I talked to S2 last night. She said she was still working on getting Dave Berry.

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