Moving forward

My current web hosting provider situation appears to have stabilized enough that I’m not too worried about things at the moment and my new provider has problems with my blog software. Therefore I’m going to make the porting to the new provider a background task rather than a Priority 0 (a Microsoft thing that means you don’t work on anything else until this is taken care of) issue as I was doing.

I can get my blog to sort of work on my own server running IIS 7 in full integrated pipeline mode but I have permission issues when I try to run it on the new hosting provider’s server. I have a couple solution options for it and will work on those in my spare time. In the mean time I’m going to try and catch up on a few blog topics–after I catch up on my sleep.

This blog crashing thing must be “going around” in the gun blogger community. Rob Allen (his blog is Sharp as a Marble) had his blog crash yesterday.

Normal blogging from me should continue tomorrow.


2 thoughts on “Moving forward

  1. Thanks for the offer but I want to keep using the same software and domain name I have been using so I don’t break all the links.

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