Quote of the day—Jim Poland @JimPolandcom

Swat’em! They’re dead. Now come and arrest me. My defense? I was protecting my children and 500 innocent children & their families. Threaten my kids?! There will be YUGE consequences for open carry. We will ensure it!

Jim Poland @JimPolandcom
Tweeted on August 8, 2019
[This can and should be used at his trial.—Joe]

The Hunt

I’ve been reading email and websites which claim there is a new movie coming out in which rich elites hunt “deplorables”/Trump supporters. From watching the trailers it’s not clear this is the actual theme. It’s possible The Hunt is a politically neutral take-off of the short story “The Most Dangerous Game”. But that doesn’t match what The Hollywood Reporter and The Epoch Times claim:

The movie, “The Hunt,” from Universal Pictures, shows people hunting down “deplorables,” a term failed presidential contender Hillary Clinton used to describe supporters of Trump during the 2016 campaign.

Did anyone see what our [expletive]-in-chief just did?” one character asks others early in the movie, reported the Hollywood Reporter. “At least The Hunt’s coming up. Nothing better than going out to the Manor and slaughtering a dozen deplorables.”

According to the Reporter, the movie’s script features blue-state characters choosing to hunt red-state characters who expressed pro-life positions or were deemed racist.

Here are the trailers I have been able to find. You decide:

Quote of the day—Reza Aslan @rezaaslan

You are “the depraved evil” we need to eradicate.

Reza Aslan @rezaaslan
Tweeted on August 4, 2019
[This was in response to this tweet:

We need to come together, America.

Finger-pointing, name-calling & screaming with your keyboards is easy, yet…

It solves not a single problem, saves not a single life.

Working as one to understand depraved evil & to eradicate hate is everyone’s duty. Unity.

Let’s do this.

Kellyanne Conway @KellyannePolls
August 4, 2019

What’s even more telling about the way this person thinks is this response when someone points out Aslan is “calling for the murder of @KellyannePolls”:

I understand why a gun freak would read this as threatening violence. It’s how you all think.

How can someone not conclude that someone calling for the eradication of another person or group of people is not a threat of violence? Ever read a speech given by a genocidal tyrant? That is exactly the type of language they use.

The answer is that to the political left even physical violence committed by them is considered “free speech” while insults against the political left are considered “violent rhetoric”.

Adults need to stand up and put these type of people in their place. Don’t buy his books, don’t take his classes, and use him as an example of present day people advocating for geocide.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Andy Ngo @MrAndyNgo

But now I recognize, you know, they nearly killed me on the 29th. And I can’t be so naïve as to think that the police will actually be protecting citizens, law abiding citizens, anymore.

The provocation to them can be just existing with the wrong ideas. You saw how they, I mean, it’s still surreal to me to see the mainstream response to the Covington boys. Like this visceral hatred for somebody because of the look on their face or the hat they were wearing.

Andy Ngo @MrAndyNgo
July 8, 2019
Antifa Attack, What Is Happening In Portland? | Andy Ngo | Rubin Report

[H/T to William Taylor.

At an hour and 15 minutes it is a bit long but I found myself drawn more and more into it. The first paragraph of the quote above is at about 59:34 in the video. The second paragraph is from about 1:09:15.

As I listened to the first part of the quote above I immediately thought, “He still has a lot of naivety. The police have never been required to protect people. He needs to read Dial 911 and Die.”


The second paragraph above hit me the hardest with the word surreal. I’ve read a lot of books about the Holocaust, the mass murders of the the USSR, and the genocides of Rwanda, Uganda, Ottoman Turkey, and many others. And three books on what Japan did in Nanking in 1937 and 1938.

Surreal is how many of the people who lived through those horrific events described it as things became more and more deadly. Those people didn’t think it could happen there. But in hindsight they discovered the signs were all there. With refuge parents from South Vietnam Ngo is far less naïve than most but still he has difficulty believing the facts.

It is easy to extrapolate from our present day situation into a horrible nightmare. Don’t let a normalcy bias pull you in too far. Look at the facts and judge them rationally.—Joe]

Gun cartoon of the day


As Dana Loesch frequently says:

Still waiting here for you to contact the authorities and have us all rounded up.

The NRA is a civil rights organization. That our political enemies regard the exercise and defense of a fundamental human right as terrorism tells you a lot about them. One thing is of particular note. If they think we are terrorists of greater significance than al-Qaida and ISIS then they want us imprisoned and/or dead.

Quote of the day—All Angels Are Gay It’s Canon @Jenny_Trout

If you are a MAGA or a 2A enthusiast, I legitimately do not care about your life/well-being or the lives/well-being of your family. I don’t care if you can’t defend yourselves against intruders or whatever. I just don’t care if you live or die.

️‍Good Omens = All Angels Are Gay It’s Canon @Jenny_Trout
Tweeted on April 3, 2018
[This is what they think of you.—Joe]

Quote of the day—James Cavell @james_cavell

The best way to deal with guns nuts is give them unlimited guns and ammo, natural selection will take care of these lower branch Republican mutations.

James Cavell @james_cavell
Tweeted on April 11, 2019
[I’m looking forward to Cavell giving me unlimited guns and ammo. I willing to bet my view of reality is more accurate than Cavell’s and at the end of the bet I’ll be alive and happy and Cavell will be poor and sad.

But that isn’t the real lesson to learn from Cavell. The real lesson to learn is that this is what they think of you. They believe the best way to “deal with gun nuts” is to see you dead.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Virginia Kruta‏ @VAKruta

Gun control advocacy on Twitter.

Day 1: Wish violence, rape, or even death on @NRA members & anyone who supports gun rights — and their children for good measure.

Day 2: Wonder why the people you just threatened don’t want to give up their guns just yet.

Rinse and repeat.

Virginia Kruta‏ @VAKruta
Tweeted on March 31, 2019
[This is generally correct. It’s not limited to Twitter. It doesn’t take a day, it can be seconds, between the time they let you know that they want you dead and the time they call us paranoid for thinking we need a gun for protection.—Joe]

They want you dead

Yesterday Mike Bash (actor, producer, writer) tweeted at me:

Lol read up about Waco. Y’all will never win, but its cute you think you could! That would help rid the country of gun nuts faster though…

This is what anti-gun people think of you, the country needs to be rid of “gun nuts” and their families. Burning gun owners and their families alive is entirely appropriate to him.

Good to know.

What he apparently doesn’t realize is that among the lessons we learned from Waco and numerous other incidents throughout history is to never give up your guns.

Mike, I hope you http://bit.ly/EnjoyYourTrial1.


Shoes as an motivator for gun control

When anti-gun people bring shoes to their rallies send them this:


Gun control advocates are advocates for the enabling of genocide. For some it may be unwitting. But they are still attempting to enable genocide and must not succeed.

Read some books:

Quote of the day—Call Me Donald @LoserInChief

I wish more gun owners did this. #ThinningTheHerd

Call Me Donald @LoserInChief
Tweeted on March 3, 2019 in response to Man out for a morning walk shoots himself in the penis, Indiana police say
[It is somewhat refreshing when the anti-gun people slip and admit what we have long known. That is, they regard people as cattle and think it a good thing when those they view as inferior or a threat to their “enlightened governance” are maimed or killed.—Joe]

They want you dead

Spokane County Sheriff responds to death threats:

The Spokane County Sheriff’s Office said it checked the Facebook account with the name that the caller provided and found a comment referencing Republicans stating, “i am going to kill every single one of them.”

Investigators said they found more posts referencing I-1639 that stated, “sheriffs that are non compliant will be shot. by me.” and “Ozzie Knezovich is gonna get a bullet in his skull.”

After all, it’s just common sense, right?

They want you dead. Don’t ever forget that. Don’t ever give up your guns.

Quote of the day—Auschwitz Memorial‏ @AuschwitzMuseum

When we look at Auschwitz we see the end of the process. It’s important to remember that the Holocaust actually did not start from gas chambers. This hatred gradually developed from words, stereotypes & prejudice through legal exclusion, dehumanization & escalating violence.

Auschwitz Memorial‏ @AuschwitzMuseum
Tweeted on November 26, 2018
[Correlation to present day circumstances are left as an exercise for the reader. Possible reference materials are here and here.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Steve @EnragedApostate

It might take years & a lot of ordnance blowing away gun fondlers to kingdom-come, but it will be worth it. Go ahead & reach for it: give us the justification gladly.

One way or the other, this planet is going to get on with the process of being civilized and being rid of you knuckle-draggers.

Steve @EnragedApostate
Tweeted (and here) on September 26, 2018
[Who is this “us” he is referring to? It can’t be law enforcement because over 70% of them have a favorable opinion to not enforcing more restrictive gun law and over 60% would not enforce more restrictive gun laws if they were Sherriff or Chief! Less that 20% say they would definitely enforce more restrictive gun laws. The military aren’t going to be any more inclined. And people like him aren’t going to be doing it.

Beyond his delusion what is important is that this is what they think of you and they want you dead.

And, apparently, Steve didn’t get the memo. The gun is civilization. Those who claim “civilized countries” are disarmed have it exactly backward.

Another observation worth noting is that I’m willing to bet Steve is another one of those anti-gun people who have difficulty grasping numbers. Someone so eager to commit genocide would be well advised to get a better grasp of reality.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Dark Beast @XMenHankMcCoy

Maybe hold it against your head and pull the trigger. That way you’ll know for sure if your gun is defective or not. Given the number of guns in circulation your fear mongering doesn’t seem to be making the country any safer.

Dark Beast @XMenHankMcCoy
Tweeted on December 11, 2018
[This is what they think of you and the specific enumerated right to keep and bear arms. They want you dead.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Kurt Schlichter

My question for Congressjerk Eric Swalwell is pretty simple: “How many Americans would you murder to achieve your goal of disarming us?”

It’s a fair question.

Swalwell is the MSNBC stalwart who recently wrote an op-ed advocating that the government confiscate the guns that make people like him wet themselves and imprison those of us who decline to surrender them. Millions of Americans own these basic tools of freedom, which the ignorant call “assault weapons,” and these loyal citizens keep and bear them to protect themselves, their families, their communities and their Constitution. But Rep. Swalwell would make these citizens felons, though these patriots are only a threat to criminals and aspiring tyrants.

Of course, he wants to make these patriots felons because they are a threat to criminals and aspiring tyrants. After all, that’s what leftist Democrats like him are.

So, the question remains. Our liberal elite betters think we should be stripped of those scary bangsticks the Constitution protects, and we disagree. So, Rep. Swalwell, how many Americans are you willing to kill to fulfill your vision of a disarmed, defenseless, servile population of docile subjects?


One hundred?

One thousand?

One hundred thousand?


Kurt Schlichter
December 6, 2018
How Much Blood Would Leftists Be Willing To Shed To Disarm Patriotic Americans?
[Via a tweet from G R Schneider‏ @straightcase.

That’s a very good question. The answer, and even a non-answer, will be very telling.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Vote Blue November 6‏ @AlvardoMitchell

The solution is quite simple.

Ban civilian firearms and make illegal possession and/or distribution a capital crime.

Every dead gun owner makes society a better place.

Vote Blue November 6‏ @AlvardoMitchell
Tweeted October 6, 2018.
[Simple solutions for simple minds.—Joe]

Quote of the day—People for US Disarmament (@USDisarm)

People for US Disarmament is a movement of Americans working to ban all guns and imprison or execute all gun owners i.e. potential mass shooters.

People for US Disarmament (@USDisarm)
Twitter profile as of November 21, 2018. It is now suspended.
[It was a satire account but it was close enough to reality you had do dig a little bit to convince yourself of that (Poe’s Law) and many people were taking it seriously.

It’s a sad state of affairs when you realize that such views can be taken seriously now. Beware the normalcy bias and don’t let reality catch us by surprise.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Vote Blue November 6‏ @AlvardoMitchell

Unless you ban civilian firearms and make illegal possession a capital crime, you will never stop the paranoid cowardly delusional gun trash. Stop pretending gun owners are in any way decent and human.

Vote Blue November 6‏ @AlvardoMitchell
Tweeted September 30, 2018.
[This is what they think of you. Take appropriate action.—Joe]