Idaho sunsets

I see the most amazing sunsets when I am in Idaho. I’m not certain why. I suspect it is because I spend more time outdoors and there are far fewer buildings obstructing the view.

Here is a sample of what I saw tonight. The only editing on the first two is that they are both cropped a little bit:


I took this one with my phone and is unedited:


I sent it to Barb and she said:


That picture is insane.



5 thoughts on “Idaho sunsets

  1. Not officially part of Big Sky country, but yes, spectacular.

    We see similar in Montana.

    Hope your view was smoke free today – ours was decidedly hazy, with extreme thunderstorm warnings thrown in.


  2. Since I’m currently in NE Oregon I’m guessing you’re seeing Two Creeks fire smoke. Interesting sunsets but lots of haze and smoke

  3. I’m in SW Idaho and we get similar conditions. Because of shade trees we have to leave our property in order to get the full effect.

  4. Very nice.

    Our house sits on a hill in NH, with a 10 acre field extending west from the house. So, with the right kind of cloud cover, we get to see sunsets like that too. Perhaps one day out of 10 or 20, but it’s worth waiting for.

  5. That’s pretty! I love the rolling forested hills and open fields of that part of Idaho.

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