Quote of the day—Puertorro in the US + (@wisemagius)

Hope one day you realize all you are is a deluded gun-runner.

You wrap yourself in a thin veneer of an imagined higher cause, ignoring the blood of innocents on you, all because of some tools you worship.

Puertorro in the US + (@wisemagius)
Tweeted on October 3, 2021
[This is what they think of you.

Of course it’s projection. Far more innocent people have been murdered because criminals had a legal monopoly on weapons than when weapons were legally available to all.—Joe]


6 thoughts on “Quote of the day—Puertorro in the US + (@wisemagius)

  1. Hope one day you realize that all you are is a propogandist for a dead end ideology that always ends in genocide.

    You wrap yourself in a thin veneer of an imagined higher cause, ignoring the blood of innocents on you, all because of some tools you worship.

  2. Yup— Always reply to such authoritarian shills and Romish agitators by asking them why they want criminals to have a monopoly on weapons.

    According to prophecy, they’ll say they only want peace and safety. The “peace and safety” excuse has always been a lie of course. It’s really only ever been about the acquisition of state and ecclesiastical power, and of course it goes without saying that they’ll portray you as a freak, an extremist, a separatist, a “wrecker” and even a terrorist. Anyone advocating for freedom of conscience will be so treated. As it was in the Dark Ages it will be again, and now is, as heretics are persecuted with a burgeoning, self-satisfied relish on the part of Rome, but fear not;

    “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”
    1 Thessalonians 5:3

    • No matter how he spells it. He’s definitely in the wrong country. He’ll figure that out shortly after the globalists light this place up.

  3. Nothing deluded about it. I’m an unapologetic and honestly open, BFYTW about being a, “gun-runner”. And I hope you hate me enough to try and do something about it.
    Since your all hating on gun -runners, Try Joe Biden. Him and your bitchy little friend Obama ran more guns to Mexican cartels than anyone in modern history. So start there.
    Next up. Don’t likey blood? Try this statistic. (by Vox Day), Adding up all the people that were murdered through government action in the 20th century alone. Your 7 times more likely to be murdered by your local government official. Than a criminal.
    As Phelps said above. It’s your ideas about how the world should work that has, and will again have blood on it’s hands.
    How well Jesus spoke of your kind. You strain at swallowing a gnat. But the whole camel you can gulp right down, no problem.

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