Gun cartoon of the day

Via Chris Knox:


That’s not far off from reality. Alan Gottlieb elaborates.

Gun control is not about reducing crime. It is about reducing the availability of firearms. With this world view increasing crime is desired because it increases the justification for gun control.

That’s some really messed up thinking but it’s the logical conclusion from the available evidence.


2 thoughts on “Gun cartoon of the day

  1. More precisely, it is about reducing the availability of firearms to those who support freedom.

  2. “Gun control is not about reducing crime. It is about reducing the availability of firearms.” Gun control has NOTHING to do with guns, crime or safety. It is
    ONLY about the ONE THING that politicians and power mongers care about…
    CONTROL. Which is why in places like Britain that long ago implemented
    what is essentially TOTAL gun control they have moved on to banning knives, billy clubs, cricket bats and now HARSH WORDS.

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