Conflation can be hazardous to your health

I have it on good authority that conflating Special Forces with Special Olympics in the presence of a half dozen or so Spec Ops people has the potential to be hazardous to your health.

The person who tested this hypothesis told me he was concerned he might be killed for couple of minutes. He managed to talk his way out of the situation without injury but does not recommend others attempting to repeat the experiment.

To the best of my knowledge the reverse conflation has not been tested. I would like to suggest this is a new field ripe for original research with a lower potential for health hazards.


7 thoughts on “Conflation can be hazardous to your health

  1. I have a friend who tried this experiment. He said that the operators glared at him for just long enough to make him question his decision. Then they all broke out laughing.

  2. So you are saying I should not be telling my vegan Navy SEAL who does Crossfit joke?

    • No you shouldn’t.

      But it’s ok to tell joke about a vegan wife of a fighter pilot who does crossfit and participates in a MLM scheme.

      Hey, did you hear about the new SpecOps medium lift transport? It’s a shortened C-130 camouflaged with a classified yellow paintjob scheme.

    • So you are saying I should not be telling my vegan Navy SEAL who does Crossfit joke?

      That would probably be safe in front of Special Forces guys…

  3. I’ve seen similar experiments. Like trying to explain the term, “Oxymoron” to a group of drunk rednecks. Glad I was only an observer.

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