Overheard at work

Caity: Do you remember the time we had to write the report on the electromagnetic pulse? A solar storm or something?

Joe: I remember the report on the possibility of North Korea setting off a nuke and creating an EMP.

Kelsey: I remember that! That was really depressing. It was like, “Time to go to Idaho and hide in a bunker.”

[Laughter from everyone and they all look at me.]

Joe: I don’t have a bunker in Idaho! I may have an explosives production facility in Idaho but I don’t have a bunker.

[laughter from everyone]

Joe: It’s all about offense, not defense.


3 thoughts on “Overheard at work

  1. I wonder what my disarmed victim employer would think if I were to open a “Boomershoot East”. They’d probably have a fit you could hear halfway across Texas.

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