Quote of the day—Robert Farago

Gun ownership is an inherently political act. In fact, it’s a transformative political act. The more Americans who own guns, the safer our Constitutional republic will be. Without a shot fired.

Robert Farago
July 20, 2017
The Trace: ‘The NRA’s Campaign of Cultural Warfare is Working’
[Take a new shooter to the range, give them a great experience and save the republic.—Joe]


4 thoughts on “Quote of the day—Robert Farago

  1. “Gun ownership is an inherently political act. In fact, it’s a transformative political act. The more Americans who own guns, the safer our Constitutional republic will be. Without a shot fired.”

    This would apply ONLY if those in power believe that those with guns actually WILL shoot. It’s become pretty damn obvious that those in power can do dam well as they please with ZERO risk of being shot. And that is why we see a never ending litany of abusive conduct emanating from those in power.

      • It’s probably past the time where shooting will stave off the collapse of America. The damage is done. Now the shooting would simply be retribution. The ‘awkward” stage Claire Wolfe referred to was more than two decades ago.

  2. Considering the source, my first inclination is to doubt it. But he is — as ever — simply quoting someone else without attribution.

    Why people give that thief — and former publisher of Dead Hooker Magazine* — any exposure at all is beyond me.

    * Websearch on this term and “Dan Zimmerman,” TTAG Editor, to find out what it’s all about.

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