Quote of the day—Lauren Levy

Even if they’re colorful and super cool, kids shouldn’t be playing with water guns because it normalizes the real thing.

Lauren Levy
May 17, 2017
Why Kids Should Never Play With Water Guns. Period.
[I find it very telling that Ms. Levy is strictly opposed to someone thinking exercising the specific enumerated right to keep and bear arms is normal.

In the comments I found this which pretty much sums it up:

More LEFT wing lunacy. These people are not rational. They strip every freedom we have either through non-stop new legislation (California) or through public shaming.

Time for regular common sense people to stand up and say, “F$#@ YOU!!!”

Anthony Prieto



2 thoughts on “Quote of the day—Lauren Levy

  1. Kids shouldn’t read the constitution then. More importantly, they should never watch television or movies– You see guns there all the time, often used in the worst ways, by the worst characters.

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