Reminder: Joe/Boomershoot & Maj/Black Guns Matter on Reddit AMA

Join the live conversation tomorrow, Tues. March 7, 11am EST: Joe Huffman of Boomershoot & Maj Toure of Black Guns Matter on Reddit AMA.

Joe Huffman, Founder of Boomershoot:
I’m white + from Idaho. I make reactive targets for people to shoot at, and detonate, thus causing fiery, fun explosions.

Maj Toure, Founder of Black Guns Matter:
I’m black + from Philly. I teach urban communities gun rights and responsibilities, to prevent inner cities from self-imploding.

We’re two peas in a pod, here to talk guns, gun safety, exploding targets, keeping cool, and peace.

We’re not here to nitpick about gun facts — that’s already been done.

We’re here to have fun. We’re individually atypical, so let’s dig deep into what makes us tick: why we do what we do, and how we do it! Ready. Aim. Fire. Kaboom!



6 thoughts on “Reminder: Joe/Boomershoot & Maj/Black Guns Matter on Reddit AMA

  1. I look forward to seeing what happens. Have a great time, Joe!

  2. Hmm. It doesn’t seem to work, whatever it is, on my iPad. Maybe you have to be a member of a secret society to see it? Or is it just like twitter, and that’s it, cause all I’m seeing looks like the comments section after a news article.

    • Not sure what, exactly was happening on your end this morning.

      You should still be able to login to upvote/downvote and make comments.

      From my perspective, it’s easier to view the page + grasp the concept via desktop or laptop, rather than phone or tablet.

      Or perhaps it is indeed a secret society. I got the vibe that newbies weren’t welcome in the Land of Reddit Snootyville.

  3. And, of course, it almost immediately devolves into an argument about gun facts. And some idiot whining about promoting your organization in an AMA, which is kind of the point of doing an AMA in the first place. Reddit at it’s most average.

    • Yeah, so Benjamin, is what I saw today typical Reddit behavior?

      Meaning, if we were to conduct another AMA someday, is 99% goodness to be expected, plus one colossal rotten apple to put a damper on things?

      Looking for a reality check, for I’m somewhat new to Reddit.

      Misinformed anti-gun people are somewhat manageable. At least they’re misinformed.

      Whereas one pro-gun bad apple is appallingly atrocious.

      Positive thoughts. Positive thoughts. 99% goodness. 99% goodness.

      • Typical Reddit behavior? Probably. I rarely go there, so it is either fairly typical or I only get drawn to the parts of Reddit where assholes congregate. I don’t like the implications of that second explanation.

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