So, about that “reality based” community on the left


Now, to be fair, there are morons on in any large group of people that you can cherry-pick quotes from. No question about that. But the sheer number of quotes available from high-profile leaders on the left that spew this sort of thing to reveal their thought process is just amazing.

Meanwhile, the left is shocked that childcare costs rise when the minimum wage rises. Yeah, and water is wet, grass is green, and politicians lie. How can anyone but an utter moron be surprised at something like this?

OTOH, there is a small glimmer of hope. A Florida newspaper had enough self-awareness to realize they were in a left-wing bubble, so they advertised for Trump / right supporters to teach them what the other side actually thought. The same article, thought, quotes a leftie as saying “I have no interest in seeing this country heal. And I refuse to come together.” That is, they want anyone that doesn’t agree with them to shut up, sit down, and die already. And they claim to be the tolerant ones. As I said, there are little glimmers of self-awareness… but only glimmers.

Update Added: Via AceOfSpades, The Atlantic has an article that is related to the freakout, called The Coddling of the American Mind. Pretty on-point.


9 thoughts on “So, about that “reality based” community on the left

  1. “…there are little glimmers of self-awareness… but only glimmers.”

    The ones higher up in the Progressive movement; they’ll get over it. A few others will come around.

    • Most of the ones high up in the “movement” are parasites, taking advantage of the suckers. They will get over it by finding a new scam. Or live off the interest from the old one; I don’t suppose the Clintons will have to worry about going hungry with $400M in the bank, even though they probably won’t make a whole lot more going forward. Well, apart from their lavish pensions, of course.

      • If the investigation into the Clinton Foundation is an honest one, most of that money will evaporate as taxes, fines, and fees.

        • From your lips . . .

          Although considering the ability of the Clintons to find dirt and either bribe or blackmail, I don’t hold much hope for even an honest reportage even about them passing on to their ultimate rewards.

    • If they get a glimmer of a new idea they go lie down in a dark room and trust that they will feel alright in the morning.

  2. > A Florida newspaper had enough self-awareness to realize they were in a left-wing bubble, so they advertised for Trump / right supporters to teach them what the other side actually thought.

    You can bet that the only reason for this is so they can determine how to counter them rather than actually learn anything.

    • Perhaps so. But it might also open up a cognitive-dissonance truth-bomb with a circulation-wide blast radius that red-pills some of them.

  3. You know, I begin to detect a pattern…

    When conservatives lose a major election, they form a circular firing squad, and do their best to destroy one another.

    When liberals lose a major election, they too form a circular firing squad… facing outwards. (Because it’s obviously not THEIR fault….)

    • It’s NEVER their fault.
      Even in Hollywood where the fault is never in themselves, but in their stars.

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