Quote of the day—Kevin D. Williamson

Remember how, during the Tea Party rallies, so much attention was paid to the fact that some participants were obese and using mobility scooters? That wasn’t an accident. It’s loathing substituting for analysis. For much the same reason, cartoons purporting to depict gun-rights supporters after Orlando almost invariably depicted obese, aging, white, and downscale (rumpled, ill-kempt) subjects. That is whom the Left believes to be the problem when it comes to violence in these United States — and most other problems, too. The relevant psychology here is that of intellectual development arrested in adolescence. If you’ve ever heard a 50-year-old lefty raging about Middle America and thought that it sounded a lot like a 14-year-old raging about his stick-in-the-mud father, you’re not the first to whom that has occurred.

Kevin D. Williamson
June 17, 2016
The Left’s Phony War on Guns
[Markley’s Law is another data point supporting Williamson’s hypothesis.—Joe]


2 thoughts on “Quote of the day—Kevin D. Williamson

  1. It reminds me of the 30’s cartoons depicting blacks and Jews in caricature

  2. Reminds me of an article I read some years ago, about the fangs (eye teeth) getting longer, as world war II went on, in cartoons depicting the Japanese soldiers and leaders.

    Remember willie horton?

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