Let’s be clear

Dylan Matthews says:

But let’s be clear about precisely what kind of decision is letting events like this recur.

Congress’s decision not to pass background checks is not what’s keeping the US from European gun violence levels. The expiration of the assault weapons ban is not behind the gap. What’s behind the gap, plenty of research indicates, is that Americans have more guns. The statistics are mind-blowing: America has 4.4 percent of the world’s population but almost half of its civilian-owned guns.

Realistically, a gun control plan that has any hope of getting us down to European levels of violence is going to mean taking a huge number of guns away from a huge number of gun owners.

Alright Dylan, let’s be clear. molṑn labé.

Are you going to be taking point on that project?


9 thoughts on “Let’s be clear

  1. I actually clicked that I thought the article was ‘helpful’.
    It was, in that it just clearly identified one more defendant for the next Nuremburg trials.

    And they’ll be continuous searches, just to make sure no cyanide capsules make it into the cell block.

  2. Let’s be more clear. If one removes a certain racial demographic from all these USA-kills-more-people-than-anywhere stories and graphs, the numbers here come down rather significantly as in we drop down to slight above (formerly)Great Britain levels.

  3. Here’s another plan…

    Move to Europe. It would seem that’s what you’re aiming (😉) for anyhow.

  4. “Realistically, a gun control plan that has any hope of getting us down to European levels of violence is going to mean taking a huge number of guns away from a huge number of gun owners.”

    Well, he is kinda right about European levels… problem will be that they will be the levels around the 1940s.

  5. Their supposed motivation is to reduce deaths. That is a lie, see below.

    What if I, and a bunch of my fellow firearms owners, just say no to turning them in?

    They will have to use force to take away our firearms and the blood shed will be epic on both sides. This makes it clear that it is not about reducing deaths; it is all about control and disarming us so they can abuse us as much as they fancy.

    They really need to take the reality pill in “The Matrix” to no longer believe in unicorns and the feasibility of disarming us. If they start it, we will end the Second American Civil War on our terms of their unconditional surrender.

  6. Does he think Paris of the Charlie Hebdo event or the Paris nightclub event is not in France, EU, but in the US?
    As bad as the Orlando murders were, He’s not up to Brevik levels yet, and TV, which can only really cover horse races and beauty contests, won’t mention that until the US exceeds that level.

  7. He’s wrong. The US civil population doesn’t have half of all the civilian owned guns in the world; it has half of ALL of guns in the world! Military, law enforcement and civil populations included.

  8. Realistically, a gun control plan that has any hope of getting us down to European levels of violence is going to mean taking a huge number of guns away from a huge number of gun owners.

    My three-word response, stolen from elsewhere:

    No. Your move.

  9. France has such laws. How well did that work at the Bataclan theater?

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