Quote of the day—bruce lancaster

When you come for my guns, you will need to bring yours. If you are successful prying my gun from my cold, dead hand, take care. The barrel will be quite hot. … Understand the consequences you beg for: I will fight you to my last bullet. I will fight you until my knife is worn to the hilt. I will fight you until my knuckles are shattered, my nails torn free and my teeth broken at the roots. … When you have tended your wounded and mourned your dead, good luck mustering the courage to face my neighbors, my grocer, my barber, the lady at the gas station cash register, my pastor, my sons, my daughters… They will offer you the same resistance I did. You will reap the whirlwind. If you’re successful killing me or someone like me, you will be hunted. You will be run to ground. You will be smoked out. You will be hung from the nearest tree. Your villages will be plundered, your livestock slaughtered, and your homes burned to ash. There will be no quarter. Each and every disgusting one of you traitorous evil freedom haters will die.

I welcome you to come whenever you think you’re ready. Say When.

bruce lancaster
March 1, 2016
Comment to How to Pass Gun Control in the Sixth-Most-Gun-Owning State in America
[H/T to Sebastian for the link to the main article.—Joe]


10 thoughts on “Quote of the day—bruce lancaster

  1. Clarity has a certain refreshing quality to it. It is our responsibility to be clear on such things.

    There is a component to that subject which needs more attention; most Progressives (incremental communists or authoritarians) haven’t considered, or dreamt of, the possibility of suddenly becoming the hunted, the prey rather than the predators. They are much too comfortable in their evil, and that will be their undoing.

    It’s like that yappy dog hanging around my house the other night, which WOULD NOT SHUT UP. I tolerated it just fine for several hours, but there is a point, beyond which tolerance runs out and it’s time for action. I had gone out and shooed it away, even throwing sticks at it. Like a Progressive though it soon came right back, from another direction, and started yapping again. At around 11 PM it was starting to bother me and the neighbors too. Like a Progressive, this dog did not realize who was actually in charge of the situation. I tried to warn it, I gave it all the chances I could, but only with the actual impact of a 17 caliber lead air gun pellet did the point begin to sink in, so to speak. Then it shut the hell up and left.

    A while later it showed up again, timidly this time and a little less noisy, and when I started to open the bedroom window to set up another shot, THEN it realized that IT was the prey in this arrangement and it never came back.

    It’s up to us then. The dogs will yap only as long as we allow it.

    To keep the peace, keep the piece. And be ready to use it.

  2. I find interesting the remark by the city councilcritter
    “This is the most emotionally wracking, stressful experience I’ve ever had on the City Council,” he told In These Times after the four-hour hearing. “I look across the breakfast table at my wife and 3-year-old and ask, ‘Why am I touching this?’

    He has been introduced to the principles of 4GW.

    Does he desire less stress and wracking of his emotions?
    The answer is simplicity in itself: As Cosby said in one of his recorded comedy performances “Stop Touching It!

    • Yes, and the giggle-inducing part of that quote was set up earlier: this is the wizened councilman’s FIRST TERM. So, ya know, means a lot when he describes this as the WORST EVER!!eleventy!!!!

  3. There is a component to that subject which needs more attention; most Progressives (incremental communists or authoritarians) haven’t considered, or dreamt of, the possibility of suddenly becoming the hunted, the prey rather than the predators. They are much too comfortable in their evil, and that will be their undoing.

    Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW), a concept of asymmetrical conflict, is noted for its specific targeting of heretofore “untouchable” players: the bureaucrat policy-makers and decision-takers. So it’s not just the SWAT officers coming to your door who face danger; it’s also the faceless bureaucrats — the manager who signed the new policy that sent them, the middle-manager who championed that policy change, and the underling who proposed and wrote it.

    4GW recognizes that those bureaucrats, while not directly engaging in the violence, nevertheless played a crucial, actionable role. They knew the new policies would result in SWAT raids — indeed, the SWAT raids never would have occurred without them — therefore they bear the responsibility and can be held accountable.

    That it hasn’t yet come to that, is a measure of the persecuted parties’ patience, but that patience is not unlimited.

    • A paraphrase of a comment I believe I read here is:
      Don’t ever mistake my silence
      for ignorance,
      my calmness
      for acceptance,
      my kindness
      for weakness,
      or my patience
      for fear.

  4. This quote is too extreme for me. It certainly gets the point across – I’ll give you that.

    Who is coming for our guns? The police officer who is more than likely a military veteran, gun owner, hunter, NRA member? I don’t see this happening. I cannot believe that a large segment of the law enforcement population would look to enforce any laws concerning confiscation. I hope I am never in a position to be proven right, or wrong, about this.

    • Well, like in any group, there are a few bad apples who will do the bidding of their fascist master.

      Don’t forget what they did in New Orleans. There are those who will trample on our rights.

      In my little town a shoot out with an illegal occurred. The CHP set up check points / road blocks leading IN to the area and one officer out right pointed his M4 at a driver who had his hands on the wheel at a stop. Excuse me, but that is viewed as lethal force in most law books and would get me shot if did the same to the officer. Oh yeah, and they rolled in an MRAP to boot. That should scare all of us that the police want to play like soldiers and some will adopt the mindset.

      Just when do they go from peace officers to LAW ENFORCEMENT at any cost to the citizens?

    • “I cannot believe that a large segment of the law enforcement population would look to enforce any laws concerning confiscation.”

      I would say that you have not been paying attention for the last 20+ years. They have been moving to an “us against them” mentality since about 1970, at least. There have been small scale confiscations, but no active responses, yet.

      Until they realize that it may be hazardous to THEIR health to raid peoples homes, a majority will continue to engage in anti-constitutional activities. They will do it because it is part of their job, because they need to be part of the gang, because they need that paycheck, because they are expecting that great retirement package, because they crave the excitement of kicking doors, because they might get to shoot people without any sanction, because they don’t see anything wrong with doing it, because they are not paying a price at this time, and this list could go on and on. This is the current reality for them.

      Nothing will change, until it does change. It would be nice if we could fix the country without resorting to violence. I wish it was so, but history shows otherwise. The one thing that gives me hope is that this country is unique compared to all others in known history, so we might get away without it to any great extent. Unfortunately, human nature says otherwise. Time will tell.

      • The other thing to keep in mind is that “law enforcement” comes in a number of flavors. On the one hand we have the local police. On the other hand we have the storm troopers who committed murder at Waco and Ruby Ridge. It’s the latter we have to worry about, because we have already had it proven to us that they are the ones who don’t care about the Constitution or the rights of the citizens.

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