Quote of the day—Averett Jones

Now, society has the right and obligation to insist that each of us does not interfere with the rights of others. But rights are different from preferences. You have the right not to be injured personally or financially by anyone. BUT you do not have the right not to have your feelings hurt since you and you alone can determine what hurts your feelings.

You do not have the right to live in a risk free society where everyone else adjusts their rights to suit you.

You do not have the right to live in a society where everyone agrees with you and nothing you see or hear offends your tender sensibilities.

Your rights end where mine began.

Averett Jones
September 24, 2015
Gun Control vs. People Control
[I have nothing to add.—Joe]


5 thoughts on “Quote of the day—Averett Jones

  1. “You have the right not to be injured personally or financially by anyone.”

    No you don’t. That sentence negates everything else in the quote. Competing in business, for example, can result in personal and financial injury. Ford may in fact be intentionally set on doing financial injury to Chevrolette, etc.

    • The fact that one may intentionally injure another, and yet violate no ones rights in the process, seems to have been lost on our society. Examples abound. Political ads and media hit pieces would be examples also.

      • I think it’s possible that what Jones was referring to was physical assault and theft/robbery. But, that’s just how I read it.

        • You have the right to be free from rights violations. That is a redundant statement but in this culture of obfuscation it must be said.

          Harm (or injury) is another subject.

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