Quote of the day—Rick Baker

You need to add to your list of titles:
In desperate need of a life
life long member of the tiny dick club
Just plain stupid

Now that better describes you.

Rick Baker, owner
I’m usually there everyday so you should drop by and see me little man.

Rick Baker
Jun 30, 2014
Email to Ed Levine
[It’s another Markley’s Law Monday! Via a message on Facebook from Nick G.—Joe]


5 thoughts on “Quote of the day—Rick Baker

  1. I didn’t get very far in that posting, but did I get this right — it’s a gun shop, or sportsman’s supply shop, whose proprietor hates gun owners?

  2. “I’m usually there everyday so you should drop by and see me little man.”
    — Rick Baker.

    No thanks, I am what you almost certainly consider to be hopelessly heterosexual, and the prospect of having to see “ya little man” interests me even less than BASE jumping with a wing suit.

    Punctuation saves lives, “Let’s eat Grandma” vs Let’s eat, Grandma”, and in this case, saves one from distasteful experiences.

  3. Dear Rick, I would stop by and discuss the issue with you, but regardless of your admitting being an owner it is clear that you are not in possession of any functioning brain cells and it would be a total waste of my time.

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