700 Club

Wow. Just hit the second milestone number for The Stars Came Back, where I’m sure I’ve just recovered my upfront costs of editing, cover art, etc. Still hanging in the charts, bobbling around unsteadily but consistently between the low 20s and the high 30s on the Space Opera and Military Sci Fi charts at Amazon. The charts are recalculated ever hour or so, based on some sort of recent sales formula. So if I never sell another copy, at least I haven’t lost money. [UPDATE: check the whole chart if it’s not there. It wobbled into the #19 spot just now.]

It went live on the 13th of January. It’s now the 2nd of February. Three weeks to hit 700 net copies sold (and a couple dozen borrowed). Guess I must have done something right. *sigh* Time to work on reformatting for getting it in paperback, I suppose.

Another seven million copies and I can retire.


12 thoughts on “700 Club

  1. Pingback: 700 Club | The Stars Came Back

  2. Discovered Sarah Hoyt has a Friday book plug at PJTV. Forwarded a.plug today. Congrats of selling well!

      • I just discovered it the other day. Maybe it’ll get snuck in tbere again this week! Congrats on how well it’s selling, especially this quickly. You *do* know your fans are ready for the next exciting episode, right? 😀

        • I’m working on it, I’m working on it! 🙂
          I’m still trying to get this whole thing figured out, and trying to come up with a way that increases current cash flow NOW. The spousal unit would really like it if I had a job, or even was subbing more, but there is precious little hiring in the middle of winter for teachers, particularly teachers with a gap in their employment history (now nicely explained by the book). If it was generating $50k+ a year, she’d tell me to get cracking. But only $15k a year at the current rate all year long? A much larger question mark, as that doesn’t even cover mortgage and property taxes.

      • That it was, as was the Ace plug. Still looking for any other book thread plugging places, too, if anyone knows of any.

  3. Nice going, Man. Breaking even is an important milestone. It means you are serving you fellow Man doing what inspires you.

  4. Very nice. I also see (in the “military SF”) that you’re ranked right by Space Ship Troopers. Talk about keeping good company!

    • I wish I could sell even half as many copies as have been sold of Starship Troopers! But while I’m infinitely closer to that than I was a month ago, I’ve got a long haul to catch up, because it’s still running just as fast as I am, with a hell of a head start.

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