
Via Sebastian.

Lupica: Morbid find suggests murder-obsessed gunman plotted Newtown, Conn.’s Sandy Hook massacre for years:

What investigators found was a chilling spreadsheet 7 feet long and 4 feet wide that required a special printer, a document that contained [his] obsessive, extensive research — in nine-point font — about mass murders of the past, and even attempted murders.

But it wasn’t just a spreadsheet. It was a score sheet.

Someone that dedicated and reasonably intelligent cannot be stopped short of an extremely repressive police state. Attempting to legislate preventive measures for someone like that is insane in any society and should be criminal in a free society.

What can, and should, be legislatively done is to enable and strengthen the defense of the potential victims.


5 thoughts on “Wow!

  1. I’m guessing you’re tired, or shocked by this… I’ve read here before about how police states can repress the populace generally but not really aberrant behaviour. Lanzas would happen in an extremely repressive state, the sewer crew made it into Warsaw ghetto with guns bless them. So, the rest of us could be carted off to the chambers by the million, certainly they could restrict every one of our freedoms like speech, privacy, (heh… memories of the Patriot act protest at the federal building what, 10 years ago?) travel. But, tragically, weird outliers like Lanza are going to happen.

  2. “What can, and should, be legislatively done is to enable and strengthen the defense of the potential victims.”
    Or constitutionally. Oh wait…

  3. Yeah, even the most repressive of police states can’t stop people like that fuckstick. Russia had a thriving underground capitalist society (which ironically kept the communism propped up longer than it probably would have had everyone just played by the rules).

    Even if the state *could* stop those things, they wouldn’t. Can’t get people to volunteer to have their balls swabbed before getting on an airplane if there’s not a ‘threat’ they can point to and say “See, this is necessary”.

  4. Someone that dedicated and reasonably intelligent cannot be stopped short of an extremely repressive police state.

    Not even then (to echo what others have already said). Someone like that will turn that same dedication, intelligence, and (most importantly) patience towards evading those police state controls in order to carry out his plan.

    Those three attributes – dedication, intelligence, and patience – can make people great. But if they’re not tempered with reason, compassion, and honor, or if they’re driven by insanity, those same people can become the most terrible monsters ever seen.

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