Gun control hearings in Washington State

Via a GOAL email from Joe Waldron on Friday:

Two public hearings are scheduled for next week.  On Wednesday, 13 February at 8:00 a.m., the House Judiciary will take public testimony on HBs 1147, 1588, 1612 and 1676.  On Friday, 15 February also at 8:00 a.m., the Senate Law & Justice Committee will conduct a public hearing on SB 5479.

If at all possible, PLEASE try to attend the House Judiciary hearing on Wednesday.  It’s important that we get as large a pro-gun turn-out as possible to demonstrate our opposition to HBs 1588 and 1676.  HB 1588, especially, as it creates a de facto gun registration system in Washington.  There are ways to conduct background checks that DO NOT retain data on the transfer.  If they want background checks, run a pure background check bill.  If they want registration, call it that and let’s debate it.

If you can’t attend the hearing, please write to your Representatives AND to the members of the Judiciary Committee and go on record with your opposition to these two bills.  Links to legislator contact information:

House Judiciary Committee:

Rep, Jaime Pedersen (D-43)
Rep. Drew Hansen (D-23)
Rep. Jay Rodne (R-5)
Rep. Steve O’Ban (R-28)
Rep. Roger Goodman (D-45)
Rep. Mike Hope (R-44)
Rep. Laurie Jinkins (D-27)
Rep. Steve Kirby (D-29)
Rep. Brad Klippert (R-8)
Rep. Terry Nealey (R-16)
Rep. Tina Orwall (D-33)
Rep. Mary Helen Roberts (D-21)
Rep. Matt Shea (R-4)

If you want to subscribe to the GOAL Post by e-mail, send a message to

If you want a sound bite for opposing background checks try this. If you want a detailed, multi-front argument read this.


7 thoughts on “Gun control hearings in Washington State

  1. One of my congress critters is on that list. I’ll definitely be contacting him. And I’ll see if I can make it.

    • Works best if you spam them all at once, don’t just talk to your guy, I send correspondence to ALL of them, and they usually have an intern call me or they have called me themselves. I’ve also contacted my local Rep.
      Also do not forget the companion bills:
      You can also directly comment on each bill, on the page of the bill is a click-able “Comment on this bill”, you can sign up and comment on the bill directly.

  2. Pingback: Washington Residents, Contact Your State Legislators - The Minuteman

  3. Possible comments for those that make the meeting:
    Under these bills, if I give a relative a hunting rifle for Christmas under the tree, I’m a criminal. Note: If “gifts” are not covered, then you have a loophole big enough to fly a whale through.
    If a friend calls up at midnight and says she just got word her violent ex got released, and I drive over and loan her a gun for a week, I’m a criminal.
    If I sell a gun to a teacher or a policeman, someone who I know has to have a background check for employment, or someone with a CPL, but we don’t pay for YET ANOTHER check, then I’m a criminal.
    Under these bills, it will make it about as hard for a real criminal to get a gun as ID checks make it hard for a high-schooler to get a beer and cigarets.
    Under these bills, it’s firearms REGISTRATION, not just requiring background checks. Everywhere that registration has been done, it’s been expensive, abused, and ineffective at its claims of reducing or solving crime – Canada even abandon their system after a decade and billions of dollars spent.
    These bills are NOT the least expensive or invasive method of achieving the stated goal.
    These bills will add expense, time, and complications to exercise an explicitly enumerated right, and effectively assumes guilt and the requirement to prove innocence.
    These bill will effectively push criminal TOWARD gang membership or affiliation, because they will be perceived as having the connections to get around these laws. I don’t think that is a GOOD thing, do you?

  4. Pingback: Thursday News Dump | Shall Not Be Questioned

  5. Sorry I could not attend. I did just write a comment on the Washington state legislation page to oppose the assult weapons ban and home searhes. Nullification is Key

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