Quote of the day—Drake Womack

I won’t be buying. I’m ok with my penis size.

Drake Womack
December 20, 2012
Comment on Facebook about the buying spree on guns.
[It’s another Markley’s Law Monday! This was via email from Say Uncle.

The best response was from Lissa K Hailey:

Drake Womack: So, your plan if someone busts into your house is to show them your penis and while they’re rolling on the floor laughing, you’ll make your escape?

You think that attempt at a joke would get old. But these people apparently have some sort of irrepressible fixation on male genitalia.—Joe]


11 thoughts on “Quote of the day—Drake Womack

  1. I would update that as follows:

    So, your plan if someone busts into your house is to show them your penis and while they’re rolling on the floor laughing, you’ll [strike]make your escape[/strike]run away and hide like a coward?

  2. They certainly seem to have a complex that manifests itself as a desire to castrate those “others” whom they perceive as more capable and more powerful than them, inas much as those “others” are not afraid to possess and know how to use weapons in their own defense.
    While Freud did not say it in so many words, (someone summarizing his works did), it remains true that fear of weapons reveals an arrested and juvenile sexual development.

  3. My guns are for defense. My penis though, since we’ve raised our kids for the most part already and don’t plan to have more, is for sporting purposes only.

    “They certainly seem to have a complex that manifests itself as a desire to castrate those “others” whom they perceive as more capable and more powerful than them, inas much as those “others” are not afraid to possess and know how to use weapons in their own defense.”

    That’s really it, of course. Hatred born of envy, and the power brokers who stir up such emotions.

    • My Markley’s Law Monday queue is getting rather long. This one is posted and scheduled to become visible on Monday, March 25th.

  4. So what are we supposed to do? Just whip it out? Pee on the intruder to assert dominance?


  5. Flop it out on the table like Drake Womack and say, “Beat that, shrimp,” also as Womack would say.

    So, if it is a Godwin’s law violation to call someone a Nazi (factual analogies are exempt), and a Markley’s law violation to say others have guns to compensate for small wedding tackle, what are the terms for slandering someonee with homophobic references or with Communist/ Soviet comparisons?

  6. I think Lyle has said it best.

    My guns are protected by the 2nd Amendment. (And frankly, except the muzzleloaders, they ALL are militarily useful for an effective militia, albeit some more than others.) Therefor, the correct (if uncivil) answer as to why I buy what I buy is, “STFU”.

    My penis is not. It is not militarily useful for a useful militia. Civilization decided a LOOOONG time ago that rape was not an acceptable military technique.

  7. The way I see it, the whole “guns as an extension of the penis” BS says more about THEM than anyone else. First, that they think that way. Second, that they associate the male sex organ with violence.

    And third, that they apparently have as their goal — in their own terms! — the figurative emasculation of innocent people.

    (I think they believe castrati are docile. They should read up on Narses.)

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