Gun Right Policy Conference

I made it through TSA (A Security Theater) wearing my “Celebrate Diversity” t-shirt without problems. I’m now waiting to board at the gate for my flight to Orlando and the Gun Rights Policy Conference. I’m looking forward to hanging out with Robb, Chris Knox, Mark Vanderberg, John Richardson, and many many other “cool kids”.


One thought on “Gun Right Policy Conference

  1. Speaking of Security Theatre

    Yep, the New York Daily News reports that a woman flew 938 miles from Orlando, Fla., to Newark, N.J., on Thursday with a loaded .380 in her purse. United flight 15 was airborne before she realized what she’d done—and airport screeners had missed.

    Fortunately, she got a sympathetic NJ prosecutor who has decided not to press charges since she self-reported it. Personally, I would have just shipped it home via UPS and never said a word, because I would expect to be charged if I did what she did.

    Of course, I doubt I would ever step foot into New Jersey, anyway. I’m probably illegal there.

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