Quote of the day—scizzoid

It takes a child to raze a village.

Comment to this picture:

[H/T to Brennan from the gun email list at work.

It looks like she has really good control of the gun for someone her size.

A comment by Sherman from the email list at work is also worthy of note, “Peace through superior firepower!”—Joe]


10 thoughts on “Quote of the day—scizzoid

  1. That picture is from the Albany Machine Gun Shoot that is put on yearly by the Albany Rifle and Pistol Club. I’m only about an hour from Albany and this has been on my list of things to do for a while.

  2. “It takes a child to raze a village.” Chiasmus! A common rhetorical device (yes, I am over-educated). Will liberty kill people or will people kill liberty?

  3. Just got that pic from Erin Palette, it’s making it’s way around Facebook. Awesome and adorable.

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